When I reached Chequers, I wondered if the Prime Minister would ever find time to talk to me about Jugoslavia…There were the films; long films, short films, comic films, serious films, sandwiched in at all hours of the day and night. The great men stood by, waiting their turn and hoping that it would not come in the early hours of the morning, a time when the ordinary mortal does not feel at his brightest, especially if he has seen three or four films in succession, but when the Prime Minister, on the contrary, seemed filled with renewed vigor of body and mind.
Towards midnight, in the middle of a Mickey Mouse cartoon, a memorable interruption took place. A message was brought in to Mr. Churchill, who gave an exclamation of surprise. Then there was a scuffle and the film was stopped. As the squawking of Donald Duck and the baying of Pluto died away, the Prime Minister rose to his feet. ‘I have just,’ he said, 'received some very important news. Signor Mussolini has resigned.’ Then the film was switched on again.
”—Fitzroy Maclean, Easter Approaches1. Weren’t the 20’s really just one big rave?
2. Was there Instagram in the 20’s?
3. Wasn’t the Belle Epoque really just one big rave?
4. We can get people to find Leo mysterious and powerful if he wears a white suit and brown vest, can’t we?
5. Wasn’t olde Verona really just one big rave?
6. Do we have the budget to send him to an extra month of scowling boot camp?
7. Is there enough champagne in this movie?
8. For Nick, can emotionally vacant cypher read as “soul in turmoil”?
9. Weren’t some of Fitzgerald’s novels published in 3D?
10. Does someone looking like they are 12 prevent them from being a siren?
11. Can we say it’s not based on the book but on the real Gatsby story?
12. Then can we say inspired by actual events?
13. Wasn’t the Second World War really just one big rave?