My exclusive investigative report:
Lena Dunham, Madonna, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Springsteen, Natalie Portman, Stacey Dash, Robert DeNiro, Katy Perry and Jon Voight.
In this election year, they have spoken out for their candidates; performed for them, sung of their virtues and chastised their enemies. Some have caused their candidates embarrassment and overshadowed their campaigns of choice.
But this group has something else in common.
Collectively, they have contributed a grand total of zero dollars towards the 2012 Presidential election.
It’s easy in the heat of a Presidential election to shoot your mouth off. Writing a check means…finding your check book, writing…maybe finding an envelope. And then stamps! And then, having that much less money. And if you are a star in these troubled times, having that much less money for a cause you believe in is not a step to be taken lightly.