It’s hard to believe that out of ten films nominated, there wasn’t one surprise in there. Odds would suggest there would have to be. So it demonstrates a pretty impressive level of group think on the park of the Academy that en masse, via secret ballot, they could manage to be completely predictable.
The Social Network is going down!
Perfectly happy for a different underserving, liberties taking film to win. At least it’s producer/director/writer won’t get all sanctimonious in their speeches and pretend that their lies create an important “metaphor” about the meaning of contemporary relationships.
The Social Network, I dance on the grave of your Oscar hopes!
On this morning’s to do list I added an item entitled “Email Brian.” That was the full text of the item.
Returning to the list three hours later, I have no idea who Brian is or why I thought I should email him today. There are several Brians of my acquaintance, I have no pending business with any of them…so far as I know….
If you are Brian and I owe you an email, you have my apologies and regrets that you didn’t choose to enter into said enterprise with someone whom had not yet entered their decline into senility.
It certainly is. It’s another thing alright!
(Inspired by the Arrested Development movie chatter)
1. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
2. Jackass 3D
3. Strange Brew
4. The Naked Gun
5. The Muppet Movie
6. The Nude Bomb
To me there’s nothing sadder than the eagerness of the ComicCon culture to pay to see the same thing (okay, with slight variations in terms of identities, costumes, villains, CG and the usual explosions and demolition derbies) in film after film, year after year. They have no shame, and there’s no talking to them about this. Their comic-book and gamer appetites, instilled during their late ‘60s, '70s and '80s childhoods, are like serum in their souls. To me the relentlessness of superhero films has become a kind of mass poison.
In his review of this Michel Gondry film, Hitfix’s Drew McWeeny writes that it “seems like filmgoers don’t mind [the oppressive sameness] because they continually go see [these] films without major complaint.” Exactly. This is why I’ve floated the idea of F14 Tomcats strafing the ComicCon faithful outside the San Diego Convention Center. They have their fantasies; I have mine.
”—Jeffrey Wells on The Green Hornet