Gird thy souls puny cinephiliac mortals. What may be the best film festival I’ve ever heard of is coming next week. Why aren’t you standing on line already?
Friend of Rushfield Babylon Wayne Federman is throwing a festival at Cinefamily starting next Thursday very aptly entitled The 1st Annual Wayne Federman International Film Festival.
The program consists of some of the funniest people on Earth presenting their choice of films, which happen be some of the best films on Earth, not to mention a selection of films that are too rarely screened. I would attend this festival just for the comics. Or I would attend the festival just for the films. Together, it is an embarrassment of riches. I am literally embarrassed. My soul will cry out for you if you do not attend these historic nights.
I mean, Garry Shandling presents King of Comedy!?! You’ve got to be kidding me - can a night that good be real? (If anyone reading this has not seen King of Comedy, I grant you a week and a half reprieve until the 12th on killing yourself. If by the 13th you still have not seen King of Comedy, you will kindly kill yourself at that time.) Margaret Cho presents Darling! Paul F. Tompkins with Topsy Turvy!? Kevin Pollak - The In Laws!? Andy Kindler with Modern Romance!? I love these people. You’ll love these movies.
And just to make sure you don’t get too high and mighty with all these fancy movies, for what would bitter mean without cold, or hot without lavender…The very great Doug Benson and friends will also be bringing his celebrated Benson Interruption to to the festival, talking through a screening of the modern alternative history classic Cocktail.
Supplies will not last, I promise you that. Click here to buy your tickets today. Or sooner.
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