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Rushfield Babylon

where it all went wrong
Writer, reporter, Idol chronicler, seer. Contact: rr at

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  • January 2, 2012 7:30 pm
    gothsuptrees: This girl says “I love this tree”.  I say “we all need something to love, don’t we?”  I think she looks a bit cold.  I would say “I love my cardigan” instead but then again I don’t take photos of myself sitting on cardigans.  At least, not on purpose. Now there’s an idea for a blog!  Goths sitting on cardigans! Anyway, I admire her pluck for posing for this shot sans cardy when it’s clearly about 10°C.  At least her neck is warm with her lolita neck thingy.  Nice pentagram there. Boots appear to be Demonias.  The nude lip is interesting.   It’s daylight.  Gah. I’m guessing she’s new to this game. 3 out of 5 - Pride will keep you warm. This is the most important website in the history of internet.  Follow and study.


    This girl says “I love this tree”.  I say “we all need something to love, don’t we?”  I think she looks a bit cold.  I would say “I love my cardigan” instead but then again I don’t take photos of myself sitting on cardigans.  At least, not on purpose. Now there’s an idea for a blog!  Goths sitting on cardigans!

    Anyway, I admire her pluck for posing for this shot sans cardy when it’s clearly about 10°C.  At least her neck is warm with her lolita neck thingy.  Nice pentagram there. Boots appear to be Demonias.  The nude lip is interesting.   It’s daylight.  Gah. I’m guessing she’s new to this game.

    3 out of 5 - Pride will keep you warm.

    This is the most important website in the history of internet.  Follow and study.

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